
These are mostly what I use here in Sweden, but if you have a good local supplier you can recommend then please email me the details and I will add them to this page.

Where to buy second hand vinyl records:

- Erikshjälpen (chain of second hand stores in Sweden with very cheap vinyl records)
Malmsjö HiFi Helsingborg (the owner keeps some very good vinyl in store at a reasonable price)
Folk å Rock (downtown Malmö, with a great range of both second hand and new vinyl, as well as lots of other music related paraphernalia)
Discogs (huge online resource for second hand music with a large community of private sellers)
- Amazon (often have second hand vinyl available)
Record Palace (online store based in Sweden with good service and a nice range of second hand vinyl)

Where to buy new vinyl records:

- Amazon (by far my favourite resource for new vinyl because they have a large variety, they are cheaper than the local stores, and are normally very reliable)
Ginza (large range and quick efficient delivery)
Folk å Rock (downtown Malmö, with a great range of both new and second hand vinyl)

Hi Fi Stores:

Malmsjö HiFi Helsingborg (small, personal, good sensible advice, does repairs, friendly)
- Net On Net (large chain of electronics stores with a good reputation, reasonable prices, and they stock turntables)
Hi-Fi Klubben (chain of hi fi stores in Sweden, seem ok for cheaper to mid-priced equipment but don't appear to stock turntables or record cleaning fluid)

Forum for Vinyl Enthusiasts:

Vinyl Engine (very nice forum for vinyl fans with a friendly and helpful group of enthusiasts)

Blogs that feature music on vinyl:

Dust & Grooves
- They Still Press Vinyl
- Just Cool Records
- Music On Vinyl
Collecting Vinyl Records
- You can list your blog here, just email me the details!